There are a lot of options when picking a LiDAR device, a 360 degree option, a non-laser LiDAR (Safe for the Eyes), to MEMS Mirror Scanning Technology for computer vision and robotics applications. Deciding which to use for what application and also finding compatible computers to operate them can be a challenge for businesses and governments.
We Help You Get The Right Equipment For Your Needs
We partner with companies throughout the world to bring the most cutting edge technology available to companies and governments in the United States. We do offer some products for international customers; however, our main focus as a company is to prepare American Companies for the future using our technology.
Logistics and Measurement
LiDAR Cameras give precise volumetric measurements of objects. As part of an inventory management system for quickly counting objects on a shelf, or track every pallet that leaves your warehouse to make sure it's fully loaded with the right inventory.
Optimized for robotics
While all Depth cameras are necessary components in an intelligent autonomous robotic solution, LiDAR cameras bring an additional level of precision and accuracy over their entire operational range. Quickly gauge complex objects, handle occlusion or objects behind others with ease for a new level of performance in bin picking or grasping.
3D Scanning
With 3D scanning, one of the biggest challenges is edge fidelity - making sure that objects don't bleed into the background or each other. LiDAR Cameras now have edge fidelity in a class of their own, combined with a quality FHD RGB camera and IMU for more robust handheld scanning solutions. Together these features make LiDAR the best option for taking your 3D scanning to the next level.
Computer vision in robotics comes into focus
In the last few years demand for computer vision technology that reliably works and performs across a variety of conditions has grown rapidly. Learn more about how robots see and understand the world.